Thursday, October 14, 2010

Yesterday we met with the Birchip Cropping Group's Women's Agronomy Group. It was a great day - very intensive, and lots of agronomy talk! (Not my strong area!!) For me, the most valuable part of the day was the discussions i had with the women from the group during the breaks. A couple of ladies were talking about communities, drought and depression, and one said she thought that 70 per cent of people in these types of communities were on anti-depressants. An incredible, and very scary statistic. Obviously the long term drought and the financial hardships associated with the dry seasons have had some serious medical impacts on people in the Wimmera Mallee and its something that community leaders in the wheatbelt of WA will have to take seriously from now on. One lady gave me some fantastic information that has been produced by the Buloke Shire (Birchip town) that deals with depression and handling stess. One paper is called "The Tool Kit for getting through the drought" ten strategies to cope with depression. very useful and i'll put more up later on this paper.

In WA, this area of "personal, social and mental health" has not traditionally been the role of the local government, but maybe our local Councils need to consider this area as a funding priority, particularly if the dry seasons in the wheatbelt continue. Community leaders need to know the signs of depression and be prepared to act.

We had a BBQ at John and Robyn Ferrier's place last night - fantastic hosts and a great finale to a really wonderful trip. Great to meet so many resiliant community minded people who are prepared to open their homes to strangers. HOpefully one day we can return the favour!

Chris and Melissis had 14 mls overnight - the relief on their faces this morning was priceless. Many more hurdles to overcome yet before the grain is in the bin and the money in the bank, but its one more step closer, and every step eases the burden that much more.

On our way back to the airport now, back to children, hot dry weather and reality.

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